
4 FAQs to Know Before Submitting a PR Application in Singapore

Applying to become a permanent resident in Singapore is a long and arduous process, especially for those who have never migrated to another country. By informing yourself about the process, you can easily apply for permanent residency in Singapore. Here are four frequently asked questions about your PR application in Singapore.

1. What Makes Someone Eligible for Permanent Residency Application?

Before you can apply to become a permanent resident in Singapore, you must first be able to complete a few requirements. You may be eligible to apply for permanent residence if you’re:
  • A spouse of a Singaporean citizen
  • An unmarried child of a Singaporean citizen who is below 21 years of age
  • An elderly parent of a Singaporean citizen
  • A holder of an employment pass
  • A foreign investor

2. What are the Benefits of Becoming a Permanent Resident in Singapore?

A successful PR application in Singapore can help make your life in the country easier. You can get more affordable housing by being eligible to obtain an HDB flat. You’ll also have more employment opportunities without needing an employment pass, as many employers prefer hiring locals over foreigners. If you have children, you’ll have better chances of enrolling them in a high-quality public school. While there are many other benefits besides those, these are the most notable ones.

3. How Long Will My Application Take?

Unfortunately, because of the complicated process involved in accepting a PR application in Singapore, the average time it takes for an application to either be accepted or rejected is six to eight months. Others are unlucky enough to have their application take up to two years. Once your application has been judged, you will be informed of the results by post.

4. What If My Application Gets Rejected?

If your PR application gets rejected, don’t be discouraged just yet. The good news is that you can reapply for permanent residence in Singapore, so getting a rejection isn’t the end of the world. You can attempt to appeal your PR rejection in Singapore by writing an appeal letter if your circumstances have dramatically improved enough for the ICA to reconsider your application. If that doesn’t work, use the six-month cooldown period to improve your circumstances, then reapply. Do you need to appeal your Singapore PR application? Take your PR rejection letter to Singapore Immigrant Partners. They can analyse your letter and situation and then advise you on improving your application so you can reapply with better chances. Evaluate your chances of getting accepted today by contacting Singapore Immigration Partners.