You have just suffered bodily, psychological, or physical damage, and you wonder if you can be compensated for this damage. First of all, know that in any case, whether your complaint succeeds or not, whether there are criminal proceedings or not, you can be compensated.
Then understand that it is not because a complaint does not succeed that you cannot condemn the offense or the offense committed against you and has resulted in bodily injury. Indeed, the normal procedure requires that you file a complaint after such actions, following which there will be a report and an investigation. Then it will finally be up to the public prosecutor to decide, as a representative of the State, whether he sends the file to a criminal law court (in other words, whether he prosecutes the accused criminally) or not. If he sues you, you will be considered a personal injury victim.
But if the prosecutor does not follow up on your complaint, you can seize a criminal law court so that it can judge your case. This will allow you to recognize the aggression and give more importance to the bodily injury suffered. However, this is not a common procedure, and it will be preferable, even recommended, to accompany a personal injury lawyer new orleans, la. Learn How to Get Clients as a Lawyer here.
Why Is A Lawyer Useful To You?
But, be careful, as we said, even if a criminal conviction can impact the recognition and compensation of your bodily injury, it is not a sine qua non-condition for being compensated. A distinction must be made between criminal law and civil law. Criminal law is linked to penalties, the possibility available to the State to punish an individual who has committed an offense, misdemeanor, or crime. Civil law, on the other hand, regulates disputes between individuals. He recognizes the damage caused by a third party and the compensation generated.
Compensation for bodily injury, therefore, falls under this civil law and concerns insurance companies and not the State. This is where a personal injury compensation lawyer Las Vegas NM will come in handy. As you will have understood, the insurance companies will seek to prevent the case from going before a judge (of a civil law jurisdiction). They will surely offer you a sum of money to compensate for the bodily injury you have suffered. And experience shows that, precisely, the sums offered directly by insurance to individuals are always lower than what they could receive.
This is why a lawyer such as in growlawfirm.com for example is essential. Jurisprudence (all previous judgments) exists and allows you to obtain greater compensation. But you will have to go through a personal injury lawyer for that first because he knows all of these case laws that you will find it tedious to bring together. Then because he will be able to argue them properly before a judge or even before an insurance company if the case were to be settled amicably.