While driving at night on a national road, a driver is hit by a heavy truck. The truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel. After a few days in a coma, the car driver turns out to be paraplegic as a result of the accident.
Given the seriousness of the accident, the litigation procedure is automatically initiated. However, the insurance companies do not want to pay for the purchase of a new home for the victim, who is a tenant. The insurance companies believe that compensation for home adaptations is sufficient, whereas the disability and its effects are permanent. Without a lawyer, it won’t be easy to follow the procedure. In addition, it will be impossible to obtain sufficient compensation to cover new material needs related to his disability.
Why Do You Need A Lawyer
The lawyer such as indiana motorcycle accident attorney for example assists you with the medical expertise
Find a medical expert.
An important moment for road accident victims: medical expertise. The lawyer can not only assist you with this expertise, but he can also call on his network of experts.
Choice Of Medical Advisor
Insurance companies have a network of medical consultants for medical appraisals. This doctor is mandated by the insurance and therefore represents the insurance company’s interests. It is possible to appoint your medical advisor. In this case, the lawyer takes care of it, calling on the professionals with whom he is used to working. He then carries out contradictory medical expertise, which will allow a better evaluation of the damage.
Finally, the lawyer such as Stracci Law Group for instance will take the time to designate the doctor(s) best suited to your case: surgeon, physiotherapist, psychiatrist, neurologist, etc. The medical expert is not necessarily a specialist in your health problems resulting from the accident.
The Course Of The Medical Expertise
This expertise is crucial for the consequences of the victim’s compensation. However, this expertise is very technical and often misunderstood by non-specialists. If you receive a summons from a court expert, you should contact your lawyer for an explanation of the procedure. The latter will be able to call on a medical consultant so that the expertise is contradictory. Your lawyer also ensures that the medical file is complete. He requests additional medical examinations, a possible diary from you (kept since the accident), etc.
To prepare you, the lawyer will explain the procedure of the expertise. It also explains the terms of medical jargon or the best way to express your difficulties since the accident. Finally, on the day of the expertise, your lawyer will be at your side, with the medical advisor he has appointed. The insurance company may have a representative (often a medical adviser representing insurance interests)—finally, the forensic medical expert when the court requests the expertise.