Even the most careful of drivers can be in an accident due to the actions of someone else. When someone is injured in a car accident that was not their fault, there are a few steps they’ll go through to get the compensation they need to cover the bills from the accident. Everything starts at the scene of the accident, and care should be taken to keep track of the details in case they’re needed later.
At the Scene
At the scene, if possible, the driver should get the insurance information from the at-fault driver. If this is not possible due to injuries or because the other driver has taken off, just get as much information as possible, like the make and model of the vehicle as well as the colour or the license plate if possible. Whether or not the other vehicle stops, contact the police to have a report written about the accident. If the other driver didn’t stop, the police might be able to find out who they are later on. If there are any witnesses to the accident, see if they would be willing to provide their contact information in case they might be needed during a lawsuit or criminal case against the at-fault driver.
Medical Care
After leaving the scene of the accident, the driver should seek medical attention as fast as possible. For serious injuries, it may be necessary to get to the hospital via an ambulance. If the driver doesn’t feel injured, they should still visit a doctor within the next day or two. Often, due to the adrenaline after an accident, there are hidden injuries that won’t be noticed for a few days. These injuries, though they are hidden at first, can still be severe. If there is a lawsuit because of the accident, the longer someone waits to visit a doctor, the less likely it is the injuries can be proven to have occurred because of the accident.
The Next Step
The next step is for the injured driver to speak with a lawyer about their case. While the insurance company will work on getting compensation from the at-fault driver, this isn’t always possible, and the insurance company may not fight hard to make sure the driver gets all of the compensation they need. With a lawyer, the driver is able to get more help for their case and, if the case does end up in a lawsuit, can get the representation they need to make sure they’ll receive the full amount of compensation they need.
If you’ve been in a car accident due to the actions of another driver, make sure you get as much information as possible at the accident scene and then seek medical care for injuries or potential injuries. After that, you’ll want to speak with a personal injury attorney right away to make sure you get all of the help you need. Contact an attorney today to learn more about your case and what they can do to help you.