The Michigan Law has some severe punishments for Michigan criminal sexual conduct cases, and penalties can be far out of the reach than the harm is done. Often the kids do not say the truth about it and, despite knowing the fact, the members come out clean because the detailed description of the incidents make them believe the incident is actual. And many experts believe that the prosecution is accurate, and sometimes, they are also paid dollars to convict them.
The Details Of The 4 Degrees
The 1st Degree
The 1st Degree is considered one of the most severe types of criminal sexual conduct in Michigan, and the principal act includes penetration. Generally, in case if the victim is 13 years and below and the accused of the case is above 17 years, then the accused are sentenced to a minimum of 25 years of jail, and it is mandatory. The 1st Degree of criminal sexual conduct can be considered when the following factors occur
- The Victim Is less than 13 Or 16
- The accused Has the authority Of the victim
- In case if the individual accused is the employee, service provider Of the child
The 2nd Degree
The 2nd Degree of the sexual criminal conduct involves touching the victim without penetration and there is a penalty of around 15 years attached to it, usually the case when the accused is of the age 17 and above and the victim is below the age of 13. It is considered under certain factors, which are
- The Victim and The Accused belong to the same house
- Both The Accused and the Victim Have A Blood Relation
- The Accused Has The Authority Of The Victim
The 3rd Degree
It carries almost similar charges like the 1st Degree, and penetration is its main element. The accused can be charged with imprisonment for around 15 years. The factors are identical with the other degrees too, but the aggravating situations are different here. The factors considered are
- The Victim Is Less Than 13 Or 16
- Mental Incapacity Or Force
- Higher Charges For The Accused Had Certain Convictions Earlier
The 4th Degree
This is considered as higher and charges the accused with two years of jail. It sets with two years of prison, and the accused needs to register as a sex offender for at least 25 years.
Thus, these degrees of criminal sexual conduct carry certain severe charges and can ruin your recognition forever if found guilty.