After a car accident, it is often easy to determine who caused the crash. Often, fault is assigned to one of the drivers involved or both of them. But no matter how straightforward your case is, you must not assume that you can easily recover compensation for your injuries. You should consider hiring a Glen Falls car accident lawyer to help you pursue a case against the at-fault party. Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation of the crash and hold the negligent driver accountable for the injuries you sustained. Sometimes, a car accident can involve any of the following parties, depending on the circumstances.
The Negligent Driver
The majority of car accidents happen because of driver negligence. In this case, a claim is filed against the at-fault driver or their insurance provider. But liability can be complex even if the accident only involves two drivers. The claim can become complicated when the at-fault driver decided to hit and run and when they are either uninsured or underinsured. A good accident attorney can give you advice about your legal options and investigate the accident to ensure all parties at fault are held accountable.
A Car Manufacturer
If your car accident happened due to a faulty car party, you may want to pursue a product liability claim against the manufacturer of the part in question. A defective part claim is complex. Usually, you will take action against major corporations that have legal teams and significant financial resources. Thankfully, your attorney will build a strong case for you and fight for the compensation you are entitled to.
A Commercial Business
When your car collided with a commercial vehicle, you can hold the driver of this vehicle and their employer liable for the crash. To try to avoid paying for your claim, the insurance company of the employer may try to argue that the driver wasn’t driving the vehicle in an official capacity when the accident took place. Or they may say that the driver is an independent contractor. Your attorney must be ready to dispute such arguments and seek compensation for you from all liable parties.
A Government Agency
Negligent road construction and maintenance can lead to major accidents. In such situations, you can hold the government agency responsible for building or maintaining the road. Also, your attorney can also assign fault to the construction contractor or subcontractor if your accident occurred due to issues during the construction of the road.