
How Can A Family Attorney Contribute In A Support Proceeding?

Even today, with so much access to information, some women are still not fully aware of their children’s rights. Therefore, they do not know how to receive child support, ensure that it is paid without delay, or even deal with a parent who does not pay child support. Therefore, it is essential that side by side with the mother, there is a Family Lawyer. The help of a professional like those at specialized in Family Law and ready to solve all doubts guarantees success in the food action.

Rights You May Not Know You Have and a Family Attorney Can Guide You

You can change child support even if the man who registered the child is not the biological father – some children are registered spontaneously by the man who knows he is not the biological father. He cannot exonerate himself from the obligation to pay alimony to the registered child. Much less wanting to “take” your name off the child’s birth record.

Alimony is not just for food – despite the name, alimony does not only guarantee food for the child. On the contrary, in this calculation, expenses that every child demands are also included, such as diapers, medicine and health insurance, school, clothing, transport, and leisure. Finally, all the necessary apparatus so that the minor does not experience difficulties in any aspect of his life.

Your new relationship is not a reason for alimony review – many parents, upon seeing the mother of their children enter a new relationship, claim that the alimony should be reviewed to decrease its value. However, the father’s obligation is to the child, no matter who the mother is related to. Legally, there is no way for the father to reduce the pension under these conditions.

There are several other questions about child support that may go unnoticed. This may make you not know everything you require, or even an ex-partner, not so well-intentioned, deceive you. The Family Lawyer is undoubtedly qualified to help you not have difficulties. The important thing is that you don’t give up on your child’s alimony.

Risks Of Not Involving Justice In The Resolution Of Alimony

Many ex-couples opt for verbal agreements because they still maintain a good relationship after the separation. This might work, but your children’s well-being is too important to risk. If, in a verbal agreement, the paying party does not comply with the agreement, you will certainly have no one to turn to. Without a legal agreement, there is no legal security. Thus, you can lose what is rightfully your child.

For example, if your child’s father is late or does not pay the child support agreed upon only verbally, in the future, you and your child will not be able to charge retroactively. For Justice, late amounts can only be charged after the request for alimony is formally made by your Family Lawyer who is also knowledgeable about civil rights law firms new york.

Many parents try to evade the obligation to provide alimony to their children. Some claim to be broke, while others start a new family and neglect the children of the previous relationship. Finally, several factors can make the pension no longer a priority for the child’s father. Therefore, Justice’s support in resolving conflicts involving children after divorce is of paramount importance. Thus, you are sure that you will have all your rights guaranteed and that, if there is no compliance with what was agreed before the judge, you will have legal support to appeal and seek the appropriate sanctions.