The history of medical malpractice law in the US has come a long way. It was a product of a long and complex process before the lawmakers came up with the ethic codes all medical professionals, not just in Chicago but all over the United States, must adhere to.
Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Chicago: The Beginning
The first-ever recorded medical malpractice case in the United States took place more than 200 years ago. It was the year 1794 when the husband of a patient, who died at the hands of the doctor who performed an operation on her, filed a lawsuit against the said doctor. The plaintiff won the case. It basically started the medical malpractice law in the US.
Medical malpractice cases have increased during the past centuries. This also increased the demand for lawyers who worked in this field. These days, most of the medical malpractice cases in the US revolved around breach of contract rather than failing to provide the necessary health care.
Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer: Into The Courts
Medical malpractice cases must be filed in a state trial court. This is because it’s not the federal government, but the state, who has the authority over these cases. This is the reason why each state has a slight difference in its jurisdiction when it comes to handling medical malpractice cases.
Each state’s history of local rulings has made an impact on how they handle various cases of medical malpractice.
But while there’s a slight division between all these states, they all follow a foundational common law. The state legislature, however, provides minor modifications to the foundational common law based on how they do local rulings.
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Medical Malpractice Today
Things have come a long way when it comes to medical malpractice law today compared to how it was way back in the 1700s. Today’s standardization has made all the relevant differences. The medical malpractice law was created to protect both the patients and the professionals working in the medical field. To protect their careers, it’s critical that all medical professionals such as surgeons and nurse practitioners are protected with liability insurance.
From just one case way back in 1794, it has been recorded that around 17,000 medical malpractice cases are being filed in the United States each year. And probably the most famous medical malpractice cases that the public had ever witnessed are those of Michael Jackson, Julie Andrews, Elvis Presley, and other celebrities.
Understanding the history of the medical malpractice law in the US will give you an idea of how important the roles of a Chicago medical malpractice lawyer are. If you have any concerns with regard to medical malpractice, find a lawyer who can assist you better on the matter.
If you’re looking for a medical malpractice attorney north charleston nc, it’s best to remember that the jurisdiction for medical malpractice law slightly differs in each state so it’s best that you consult with someone who qualifies to handle your case well.