The sex offender registry is an invaluable tool for the general public all over the country. Since sex offender registries were established it’s become a lot more difficult for sex offenders to recommit. There are other laws that act at once with the sex offender registry to make it even more difficult for sex offenders to recommit. If you live in the State of Texas there’s a good chance that you’ve found yourself searching for the Texas sex offender registry at some point or another to ensure that your family is safe from sex offenders. Fortunately, it is very easy to locate and navigate.
Where did Sex Offender Registries Come From?
Sex offender registries didn’t always exist and were in large created after the death of a young New Jersey girl, Megan Kanka. Megan was raped and murdered by her known pedophile neighbor in 1994. This neighbor had been convicted of sex crimes in the past, but there was no way to warn her family of the potential threat that lived in their very neighborhood.
After the tragic death of Megan Kanka, many lawmakers pushed through legislation to make this information more easily accessible to the public in hope that these kinds of tragedies could be avoided as much as possible.
Using the Texas Sex Offender Registry.
Using the registry is a very easy task. First, more than likely you’re just going to want to Google something along the lines of “Texas sex offender registry” and the official site will be pulled up, in most cases, in the first spot. Once on the website, you’ll have a lot of different parameters by which you can search.
Name, address, and zip code are all common search methods. After you type in your preferred search criteria you’ll be presented a list of relevant offenders. You can then access their names, addresses, physical descriptions including tattoos/scars, height, weight, hair color, eye color, as well as a full-color photo of the offender.
This information is an easy way to ensure that your family is steering clear of those that might want to victimize you or your loved ones. Knowing who you need to be on the lookout for in the community is a great way to ensure that you aren’t sending yourself or your children off to a terrible fate.
Keeping Your Family Safer from Sex Offenders.
While not every sex offender will recommit, there is an incredibly high recidivism rate among sex offenders. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that the communities in our country have access to information about sex offenders. That way they can keep themselves safe while also knowing exactly how big of a threat their neighbors, friends, co-workers, or even fellow church members pose to themselves and their children. Knowing who to be on the lookout for can help you avoid dangerous choices.
***Registered Offenders List is a free online resource that strives to offer helpful content and resources to its visitors regarding registered sex offenders that live near you.