If you are in the process of claiming your car accident settlement, the compensation package for injury and damages usually comes from your insurance or the coverage package of your driver. However, there are other factors to determine the nature and amount of the compensation and the sources from where they should be recovered which you should consult an experienced Atlanta car accident attorney. Eventually, if you happen to have collision coverage of your car and the accident occurred because of your own fault, the insurance agency will compensate a specific amount for fixing the car. On the other hand, if the fixing or repairing the damage of your car costs more than the total value of your car, the insurance agency may count your car totalled and ultimately provide you with a lumpsum amount considering the worth of your car.
In the case of another driver driving the car and the wreck caused because of the negligence of the driver, your damages, losses, suffering and pain should be compensated by the driver’s insurance agency. However, the amount compensated by the driver’s insurance agency for your recovery may be substantially lower in comparison to your expectations. In this context, it is much easier to claim the reimbursement for money that you have paid, and often it is challenging to claim a fair amount for your sufferings and pain.
In the process of a car accident settlement, it is always very helpful to work with a lawyer to receive a deserving and reasonable amount. Often, working through a lawyer results in fetching maximum amount or an amount which exceeds the insurance agency may offer you on your own amount. Therefore, it is always wise to work with a lawyer when you start the process of your car accident settlement.